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扫把in english
扫把in english-Chinese meanings sàobǎ 〈方〉扫帚。 Similar Words 扫把星;One of the most comprehensive chinese dictionary on internet More than 90 000 entries !
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May you retain an innocent heart like WuKong, after overcoming all these eighty one challenges We depict this Eastern superhero's epic with a devoted heart The story of WuKong tells more than WuKong himself The monkey is the leading role for sure, but he still isThe series was originally published in English by two major publishers, Bloomsbury in the United Kingdom and Scholastic Press in the United States All versions around the world are printed by Grafica Veneta in Italy掃 把 sào bǎ broom Example Usage 扫 把 星 Trad 掃 把 星 sào bǎ xīng bearer of ill luck person with the evil eye comet
Contextual translation of "扫把" into English Human translations with examples broom, iron broom, broomstick, broom dance, flying broom, broom mastery, broom tornado 扫把in english 扫把in englishNews Beijing Forum shines a spotlight on globalization The Beijing Forum opened at Peking University on December 5, with bilingual live broadcasts across multiple platformsThe Barber of Seville is an opera buffa in two acts by Gioachino Rossini with an Italian libretto by Cesare SterbiniThe plot revolves岩扫把 mearning in English peltateleaf meadowrue herb or root click for more detailed English meaning, translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences
天下没有不散的聚会。 指团聚是相对的,终究要分离的。 同"天下没有不散的宴席、天下无不散宴席"。 1 《项羽·本纪》是有这个意思,但"天下无有不散筵席"是翻译后的话,不是原文的出处。 不能算是其词的出处。 有书可寻的最早记录于明·冯梦龙JDcom is the largest retailer in China, a member of the NASDAQ100 and a Fortune Global 500 company扫把in english 扫把in english掃把 / 扫把 (sàobǎ) 掌把 This term needs a translation to English Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {} ReadingsFire swatter 魔法扫把英文翻译 magicdi broom
清潔掃把(Clean Sweeper)是一個多人版饑荒中獨有的物品,在舊神歸來更新中加入遊戲。它需要用 3 個活木和 6 個惡魔花瓣來合成,並用暗影操縱者來製作原型。砍倒完全正常的樹也有 25% 的機率掉落清潔掃把。 玩家對某個物體使用清潔掃把時,如果玩家有那個物體的造型,就可以把那個物體的造型LEOorg Your online dictionary for EnglishGerman translations Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses Also available as App!扫把 🇨🇳 🇬🇧 Broom ⏯ 扫把吸尘器 🇨🇳 🇬🇧 Broom vacuum cleaner ⏯ 我先要用扫把打扫地板 🇨🇳 🇬🇧 Ill clean the floor with a broom first ⏯ 我们打扫房间并把坏运气扫掉 🇨🇳 🇬🇧 We cleaned the room and swept away bad luck ⏯ 把扫地机放到厨房 🇨🇳
用户评价 好,作者还有其他关于厨具的文档吗? ;Note As all the definition are given in mandarin chinese, a good level of is requiredFire swatter "魔法扫把"英文翻译 magicdi broom
扫把 mearning in English besom click for more detailed English meaning, translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences sweep 扫 swept是sweep的过去式 wholethrough 里里外外 Please put the dustpan in the broom closet 请把簸箕放在杂物柜里。 dust 灰尘 pan 盘状物体 dustpan 簸箕 broom closet 杂Translation for '扫把' in the free ChineseEnglish dictionary and many other English translations
Wrx "扫把线"英文翻译 scart cable "扫把星"英文翻译 jinx = brings bad luck "岩扫把"英文翻译 peltateleaf meadowrue herb or root "竹扫把"英文翻译 bamboo broom "打火扫把"英文翻译 fire beater;关注 < > ¥3150 雅高 扫把簸箕套装 3件套 家用仿猪鬃毛软毛防风扫把魔术扫把刮刀笤帚扫帚 已有 人评价 关注 < > ¥3790 福爱家 扫把簸箕套装家用仿猪鬃毛软毛笤帚扫帚 不锈钢杆可旋转扫帚扫地搓斗畚箕组合铲斗两件套Translations in context of "扫把" in ChineseEnglish from Reverso Context 双卡扣设计,站立式可当扫把使用
Harry Potter is a British film series based on the Harry Potter novels by author J K Rowling The series is distributed by Warner Bros and consists of eight fantasy films, beginning with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (01) and culminating with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (11)맨 위로 가기 자료제공 중한사전 고려대학교 한한중사전 고려대학교 현대중한사전 박영종 구분선 교학사 에듀월드 표준한한중사전 차이나랩 중한사전 전명길, 김성우 구분선 흑룡강조선민족출판사 Collins Chinese Dictionary Harper Collins Publishers Ltd 한국어학습사전 한국외대 한중사전 홍만호, 이승권Check '扫把' translations into Udmurt Look through examples of 扫把 translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar
你今天上大早班的时候是不是去2A把扫把拖把拿走了 🇨🇳 🇬🇧 Did you take the broom mop away when you were on your morning shift today ⏯ 不用拿扫把来扫,就拿那个地步就扫一次就骂一次就行了 🇨🇳 🇬🇧 Dont take a broom to sweep, take that step to sweep once on the line ⏯扫把 definition Mandarin Chinese English Dictionary with PinyinChinese English Dictionary 扫把 Add to My Vocabulary PinYin sào bǎ Simplified 扫把 Traditional 掃把 broom;
掃把 / 扫把 (sàobǎ) 掌把 This term needs a translation to English Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {} Readings
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